Make every month exciting for yourself, your clients, family, friends or staff when you create a custom printed calendar. Ideal as both personal gifts or promotional items for your business, calendars allow you to feature your photos, information and important dates while also serving a practical purpose in any household or office.
I will require:
- All information needed on your calendar
- High resolution (300dpi) images to use
- Colours you would like (you can use the colour picker here and send me the # values)
- Your company logo in Vector PDF
- Don’t have a vector logo? (Click here) and add one to your cart
- The design comes with 1 free change
- Designs are served in Print-Ready Vector PDF format
What is seen as a change?
- A free change is multiple corrections done all in one go
- If the free change is not used, it will expire two weeks after you’ve received your final design
- Changes that are done one by one will be billed @ R100 per change after the free change
- Email with all your changes
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